Inaugural R U OK?Day

November 29, 2009

An Australian National campaign titled R U OK?Day will be held on Sunday November 29, 2009.


The aim of R U OK?Day is to bring Australians together to help prevent the isolation that can lead to such outcomes as people taking their own lives.

The inaugural R U OK?Day on Sunday November 29th will inspire Australians to reach out to anyone doing it tough in order to prevent little problems becoming big ones.

Visit the website to learn more.  Share the link with your friends and family.

We have a responsibility to be kind to each other.  HPIM4515

Yet somehow in the craziness of our lives and the agendas we set for ourselves and for others, we often forget that a simple act of kindness can not only have a profound effect on the receiver but also the giver – YOU.

I have always been a big believer in communication.  Empowering another person to move forward in their own life, gives me great energy to tackle my own hurdles.  

So during this holiday season, there is no harm in smiling and saying hello to someone in the street.

There should be pleasure in taking some old boy’s trolley back to the trolley bay so he doesn’t have to do it. 

Smile at the postal workers and give a cheer to the check-out chick…

And on Sunday 29, 2009 – have a conversation with another person…

We are all in this journey together.

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