I should be sitting at the kitchen bench…


Me and Hayely

But a few continents, water and the ties of life separate us.

I would probably be washing up the dishes left behind by the previous evening’s family dinner (unless of course Gran had got there first).  So then maybe I would be folding the laundry that is on the dining room table.  We would be having tea or perhaps we have taken a walk to the local French patisserie for some real coffee?

It is a big weekend for you.  Your number one girl is coming home for a brief stay and to be a part of your number two girl’s big beautiful wedding.

Your number two girl is about to experience the wonderful ritual that we both experienced…the Australian Kitchen Tea and then it is a week of final jobs (I am sure Gran has the to do list if you are interested).  Then the grandest of all celebrations – a Family Wedding.

I wonder if anyone has remembered it is your birthday in the midst of all this happy chaos?  Perhaps Papa?

Happy Birthday Bails. 



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Making a cake for her today!

Miss you sal, xxx Julie